
For Individuals

Initial assessment for individuals including families, students & executives that includes:

  • Tools for Applying Your Strengths

  • Sample Strengths Playbook to Win the Week at Home & Work

  • Days are a-typical but weeks can manage their priorities

  • Ways to discuss your strengths report with loved ones

  • Bring your strengths for professional life and keep top of mind in your interactions with colleagues


  • Specialized programs small groups and teams

  • Specialized programs families


  • Specialized programs for organizations of all types


  • Specialized programs for school and learning communities.


  • Specialized programs for connecting careers & classrooms

For Organizations

Organizational Consulting & Staff Retreat Program Model


  • 30 - 60 minute Introduction & Clarification of Goals

  • Review of retreat objectives

  • Review desired outcomes - how do we know we are making progress towards our goals (day-of and 30 + 90 day +180 day marks)

  • Confirm and collect any documents that help identify the organization values, key language regarding outcomes / results and 12 - 36 month goals.


  • Ideally 3 - 4 hours as part of an organization meeting to complete days.

  • Introduction: Strengths Framework to Human Flourishing

  • All participants receive:

  • Introduction to Strengths

    • Clifton-Strengths Personal Report (identifying 5 top strengths)

    • Lanyard of Personal Strengths

  • Small Group Sharing / Session

    • Breakout worksheets

    • Facilitated discussions

  • Strengths Applied to the Organization

    • Landscape of the Organization

      • As a team we bring

      • As a team we need

      • As a team we are motivated by

    • Team Strengths Grid with 4 Quadrant View of the Organization

      • Strategic Thinking

      • Influencing

      • Relationship Building

      • Executing


  • 30 - 60 minute follow up with executive team + managers

  • Unlock Complete Managers Report (TBD)

  • Discuss Open Issues:

  • Use of Strengths in New Hire Process

  • Custom Quarterly Strengths Playbook